We provide EMS (medical) services, rescue services, assistance, safety services, fire suppression, and community education to the citizens of our district, our neighboring departments, and anyone that travels through or requests help. We also strive to take an active part in our community events and programs.
We are an all volunteer department. We are governed by a board of trustees, can carry a roster of twenty-six personnel, and are regulated by state and federal guidelines. Our budget is based on revenues received from property taxes and fundraisers held by the members each year.
We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. for scheduled training, with additional dates often being added. All members are required to attend a specified amount of training each year in order to remain on active status. If you are interested in membership to the HFPD please come to a meeting and request an application or request an application by email.
Contact Us
105 S. Oak, PO Box 255
Hoffman, IL 62250
Emergency: Call 911
Non-Emergency: (618) 495-2630
Fax: (618) 495-9075